There are three types of ART training:
ART for Participants: This class teaches participants the ART Skills to enhance their emotion regulation skills. For those interested in this training, please contact an ART therapist (MAKE ART therapist A LINK) in your area.
ART for Clinicians: This class is designed for clinicians who would like to present ART classes. A certificate is necessary to present the ART classes. Certificates are issues when a clinician has satisfactorily (1) Participated in an ART program, (2) Presented the ART Training at least once, and (3) Demonstrated competence with the ART material during an ART for Clinicians class.
ART Train-the-Trainer: This class prepares clinicians to train other clinicians to present the ART program. To present the ART Train-the-Trainer classes the following is required: (1) Present the ART for Participants class at least three times, (2) Obtain an ART for Clinicians Certificate, (3) Demonstrate competence with the material during the ART Train-the-Trainer class.
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